About Boulder Aquatic Masters (BAM)

Boulder's premier non-profit and United States Masters Swim (USMS) club for adult (18+ years) swimmers of all ability levels.
BAM offers adult swimmers the opportunity to improve, achieve goals, and have fun. The program accommodates those that are new to swimming all the way up to those competing in national and international events.
Created in the 1990s, BAM was initially run in partnership with the City of Boulder and quickly grew to more than a hundred members. Today BAM has built a community of hundreds of swimmers, employs several trained and certified coaches, and offers a variety of weekly workouts.
We are thrilled to announce our Tuesday + Thursday Boulder Reservoir (“Res”) open water swim workouts are in full swing this summer! Check out our FAQ and join us.
BAM has used the Res since 1999 to host our Tuesday + Thursday morning summer swims and various open water competitions. BAM‘s use of The Res has generated such enthusiasm that it has become a focal point of our program.
Mission Statement
To promote fitness and health for adult swimmers of varying abilities via professional and high-quality instructors and coaches. To foster swimming improvement, camaraderie, and community through a positive and inclusive environment.
Code of Conduct
Members, coaches, and visitors shall obey all facility and government-imposed rules and share the pool or open water venue responsibly and courteously. Swimmers shall follow coaching staff instructions and make honest efforts to follow workouts as given. With the approval of the coach on deck, swimmers may modify the given workout only if their adjustments do not interfere with other swimmers. It is expected that such swimmers will notify their lane mates and position themselves accordingly.
Coaches are responsible first and foremost for the safety of all swimmers present at a workout. The judgment of the coach in charge shall be respected by all swimmers. If a swimmer feels that such a judgment or decision is unfair or in error, the swimmer should first speak to the coach and make an effort to resolve the issue. If unable to reach a resolution that way, the swimmer is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of the BAM Board or file a written grievance.
All members, coaches, and visitors are expected to maintain an environment of kindness and respect which is free from harassment, discrimination, and intimidation. Members, coaches, and visitors shall refrain from publicly judging, criticizing, or otherwise creating a hostile environment. Physically or verbally abusive behavior is unacceptable at workouts, any BAM-sponsored activity, or any COMSA or USMS event. For additional information on unsporting conduct and discrimination see USMS Code of Conduct articles 402.4 and 501.3
If unable to resolve conflicts on their own in a civil and reasonable manner, members, staff, or visitors should contact the BAM Board for assistance and mediation.
Penalties for Violation of the Code of Conduct
If a member (including BAM Board member) or visitor violates the Code of Conduct, any or all of the following penalties may be applied at the discretion of the BAM Board:
Private reprimand
Suspension from practice without reimbursement of fees paid
Revocation of membership and denial of participation. This penalty shall be used in cases of egregious, repeated, and/or irresolvable violations, and it requires the concurrence of the BAM Board.
If any member of the coaching staff violates the Code of Conduct, he or she may be subject to appropriate action according to section 4.04 of the BAM bylaws.
BAM aims to be a diverse group of people who can safely enjoy time together both in the water and away from workouts. We rely deeply on each other’s commitment to upholding the highest standards of conduct. Everyone is expected to behave considerately, and witnesses to deviations from our values are asked to speak up.